Being a visa holder for MM2H in Malaysia comes with many MM2H benefits. Firstly, MM2H comes with 5 (FIVE) years multiple entry visa which is renewable every 5 (FIVE) years provided participants have no criminal records in both their home country and Malaysia. Apart from having the opportunity to enjoy the good quality and unique values and culture of Malaysia, Malaysia government offers all MM2H participants attractive incentives to make MM2H visa holders stay more comfortably and without much hassle.
Listed below are the MM2H benefits for visa holders:
- Tax free on the Income/Pension brought into Malaysia
- Tax free for Interest earn from Fixed Deposit Account
- Allowed to stay in Malaysia (without leaving Malaysia) during the renewal
- Allowed to invest business, subject to existing government policies, regulations and guidelines which are in force for relevant sectors
- Allowed to work for 20 hours per week (for Age 50 and above)
- Employment Pass Holders who wish to participate in MM2H program are exempted from the “Cooling Off Period” on the condition that their application to participate in MM2H program is submitted 3 (THREE) months before the expiry of Employment Pass
- Participant’s parents and parents-in-law, children aged 21 years -34 years old (Single and Unmarried) are eligible to join the MM2H under participant’s add on.
Malaysia government is encouraging positive immigrants for the past years. There any many benefits more to come, applicants and MM2H visa holders are encouraged to keep touch with their agents to get the most of the benefits.
For any further information on the program or how you can be qualified for this exclusive program, please do not hesitate to contact us. We have our team of experience personals to assist you in the application on this exclusive program.